Low High
Outside Temperature 7.6°C at 23:00 16.9°C at 13:40
Feels Like 7.6°C at 23:00 16.9°C at 13:40
Dewpoint 6.4°C at 23:00 10.9°C at 09:50
Humidity 57% at 13:55 94% at 06:40
Pressure 1023.9 mbar at 18:10 1025.4 mbar at 08:55
Air Quality Index 9 at 14:05 52 at 21:35
Wind 3.1 m/s from 132° (SE) at 09:10
UV 3.1 at 10:50
Solar Radiation 837 W/m² at 10:50
Illuminance 91556 at 11:15
High Total
Rain 0.0 mm/h at 23:05 0.0 mm

Created with the Bootstrap template, Highcharts and Icons from Font Awesome and loading.io. With forecast data from the UK Met Office.