Low High
Outside Temperature -8.8°C at 28/02 01:27 31.6°C at 26/07 13:09
Feels Like -8.8°C at 28/02 01:27 31.8°C at 26/07 13:19
Dewpoint -17.8°C at 09/09 17:54 19.7°C at 03/08 09:24
Humidity 28% at 02/07 12:39 99% at 14/02 22:12
Pressure 981.6 mbar at 01/02 00:53 1041.3 mbar at 24/09 23:25
Wind 30.8 m/s from 167° (SSE) at 30/11 00:00
UV 3.1 at 17/09 12:15
Solar Radiation 1154 W/m² at 14/06 12:09
Illuminance 81519 at 19/09 11:10
High Total
Rain 23.2 mm/h at 22/04 01:51 527.2 mm

Temperature (°C)

Month Mean Maximum Mean Minimum Mean Heating Degree Days Cooling Degree Days High Day Low Day Maximum >= 30 Maximum >= 0 Minimum <= 0 Minimum <= -20
January 8.4 3.1 5.6 280.0 0.0 12.9 02 -0.5 06 0 0 1 0
February 6.5 -1.4 2.4 445.9 0.0 11.2 17 -8.8 28 0 1 21 0
March 8.8 1.5 5.0 414.7 0.0 13.9 15 -5.7 01 0 3 12 0
April 14.5 6.7 10.5 233.7 0.0 26.3 19 -0.3 01 0 0 1 0
May 19.5 8.2 14.0 135.0 0.6 26.6 07 1.0 03 0 0 0 0
June 22.4 11.2 16.9 52.9 9.6 29.6 01 6.8 13 0 0 0 0
July 25.7 13.6 19.9 6.8 55.0 31.6 26 9.8 01 1 0 0 0
August 22.6 11.7 17.1 59.6 21.5 29.8 06 5.8 11 0 0 0 0
September 18.8 8.2 13.5 151.1 0.2 24.2 02 0.3 25 0 0 0 0
October 15.2 5.7 10.4 239.5 0.8 22.9 10 -3.2 31 0 0 3 0
November 10.9 4.2 7.8 317.4 0.0 15.4 06 -5.1 22 0 0 3 0
December 9.5 3.9 7.1 349.3 0.0 13.8 02 -5.3 14 0 0 7 0
15.4 6.5 10.9 2685.8 87.6 31.6 Jul -8.8 Feb 1 4 48 0

Precipitation (mm)

Days of Rain over
Month Total Maximum Date 0.30 3.00 30.00
January 33.9 11.9 02 11 4 0
February 27.9 7.1 09 10 3 0
March 114.0 14.0 30 23 14 0
April 57.0 10.7 09 13 7 0
May 40.1 16.5 24 10 4 0
June 0.8 0.8 07 1 0 0
July 11.7 7.1 29 5 1 0
August 36.5 12.4 16 11 2 0
September 27.1 10.4 23 8 3 0
October 40.6 24.6 14 9 3 0
November 61.8 16.6 07 15 9 0
December 75.8 12.8 15 16 8 0
527.2 24.6 Oct 132 58 0

Wind Speed (m/s)

Month Average High Day Dominant Direction
January 0.8 16.7 18 289
February 0.5 10.0 11 341
March 0.5 11.6 29 307
April 1.6 13.9 04 224
May 1.1 12.5 02 340
June 1.1 10.7 14 345
July 1.0 14.8 28 225
August 1.0 10.3 26 269
September 1.2 18.3 20 232
October 1.4 15.2 12 310
November 1.6 30.8 30 157
December 1.5 13.9 09 221
1.1 30.8 Nov 266

Created with the Bootstrap template, Highcharts and Icons from Font Awesome and loading.io. With forecast data from the UK Met Office.